03 March 2025

Manage Seating Plans

The Seating Plans screen allows you to configure the layout of a room.

To change the layout of a room:

  1. Click the relevant room in the Seating Plans pane.

    Selected room

    Records with a greater number of active seats than the room capacity are displayed with a warning icon.

    The room layout is displayed in the right-hand pane.

    Room layout

    If no seats have been loaded yet, the No seats loaded message is displayed.

    No seats loaded message

    A room layout cannot be edited if candidates have already been allocated to the seats. A warning message is displayed.

    Seating plan locked message

  2. Make the relevant changes to the room layout.

    The following functionality is available to assist in configuring the room layout:

    • The Columns and Rows sliders allow you to set the number of seats in a row or column
    • The Active Seat Count field displays the number of active seats in the room layout

      A warning icon is displayed if the number of active seats is greater than the room capacity. A tooltip is available on the icon which displays the room capacity.

      Active Seat Count warning message

    • The Number Start Position field allows you to indicate where to start numbering the seats from. This is indicated by a red square in the room layout.

      Number start position field

    • Seats can be activated or deactivated (for example: to allow for oddly-shaped rooms or to create space for invigilator use) by right-clicking on a seat and selecting Activate or Deactivate

      Active seats are displayed with a white background and inactive seats are displayed with a grey background.

      Activate and Deactivate buttons

    • Select whether to display the fill order or seat number by selecting the relevant radio button

      Fill order and seat number radio buttons

    • Use the Zoom slider to zoom in or out of the room layout
  3. Click Save.